Vanessa Carter

Vanessa Carter is an ePatient scholar at Stanford University Medicine X. She is also a patient activist for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) which she acquired after a severe car accident and ongoing facial surgeries. She is an advisor to several organisations including Doctors 2.0 and You, Paris, The South African Antibiotic Stewardship Program (SAASP) and ASPIRES (Antibiotic use across surgical pathways). She is also a Civil Society Organisation Champion for the Africa CDC at the African Union and has won several awards including the FIND Voices for Diagnosis award in recognition of her work for digital skills development and advocacy which was presented at the 72nd WHO World Health Assembly in Geneva. Vanessa also served as a patient input stakeholder for the Presidential Health Compact and is currently a co-chair of the Health IT SIG at the Public Health Association of South Africa (#PHASA2019). She is further a patient reviewer for the BMJ as well as for the International Conference for Infection Prevention and Control in Geneva (#ICPIC19).